July 4, 2006

Switzerland - Country without Skyscrapers

In Switzerland buildings of large dimensions are rather frowned upon. But the future predicts that Switzerland will receive in the coming years many new glas- and steeltowers.

A skyscraper is defined to be taller than 150 meters. All neighbor countries of Switzerland have at least one of those building, though, the Swiss have decided that it does not fit into their image (Asia has actually the most skyscrapers, with HK having over 7,000!).

The first tower in Switzerland to be taller than 100 meters (~300 feet) has been constructed no more than 3 years ago: The trade show tower in the center of Muba, Basel.

In the 70s the trend to larger buildings had been slowed down and restrictive building codes were established. Then in 1984 the Swiss polulation decided to vote for the pohibition of skyscrapers in Switzerland. This was in force until 2001.

The abolishment of this regulation and the construction of the Basler Messeturm indicated that there will be something going on in the close future. Particularly in Basel and Zurich large projects of new towers have been proposed. In the next few years 10 towers shall be constructed, among them the Swiss Prime Tower (see below) with its 126 meters height. Even in the Alpes some towers shall be built, one of them a bit above Davos.


Blogger Buzzoodle Ron said...

I found your blog at random but got ended up reading for a long time. Nice.

03 July, 2006 13:11  

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