July 1, 2006

Wrong claims - Just a phenomenon to gain attention?

Well, the announcement has been made some time in June, 2000. So this project might have been called off in the meantime. But who announces those projects? Are they meant serious in the beginning? Or is it just to gain attention?

But then again there are also posts from December 2005 and even 2006 where this building is listed as soon possible tallest building of India, the "Center of India Tower at Katangi, India Tower".

One source from Dec. 08, 2005, claims that it will be also be a religious center of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Again, all this seems rather a hoax than anything else... Additionally, there are no specific engineering drawings nor construction details available online.

But one thing is for sure, it is completely impossible that this building will be one day the tallest building in the world... In Dubai the Burj Dubai [http://www.burjdubai.com/ ] is already in construction, which will hold the record in four categories with its ~800 meters: Highest structure, roof, antenna and occupied floor (recognized categories by the New York-based global authority "Council on Tall Building and Urban Habitat").


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