July 1, 2006

Skyscrapers in India

!! NEW POST: LIST of almost 100 towers u/c in Mumbai !! Post 18 July, 2006.

(If necessary click on the blogtitle 'Skyscraper' to get all of the posts on one single page)

If a company wanted to build a significant tall skyscraper it would probably have to find some space outside of the large cities. The main problem is the low floor space index. Of course it would be most lucrative to build a highrise in Mumbai, but space is there more of a premium than anywhere else.

Also skyscrapers put a heavy strain on the existing infrastructure, such as water, parking and fire fighting, just to mention a few of them. Hence, it is usually denied to construct such large buildings. Commercial high-rises are not allowed anyways, because of the mentioned reason that the infrastructure cannot support such constructions. Additionally, bureaucracy makes it impossible to have people moved to open up space.

Infrastructure upgrading is a must to make any proposed project possible. And indeed the legal battles against regulations that prevented development are moving successfully forward. One of them has given the Ok for the S D Towers and another makes it now possible for 100% FDI in construction projects.

A building above 72 feet is already classified as a high-rise. So there are some of those 'towers', but non of them is important enough to be well-known internationally.

The two tallest towers are TV towers. The Bombay TV Tower is a rather ugly steel construction without floors.

and the Pitampura TV Tower:

One source indicates that soon the S D Tower will be the tallest building of India, which supposed to be under construction. However, I have not found one single image.... It will be 252 meter high with 92 floors.

While the process of changing legal regulations and upgrading infrastructure moves along, although extremely slow, some experts expect that in around 5-7 years projects of real size will come about preconditioned that a solid foundation has been laid.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


There are thousands of new buildings u/c in Mumbai currently.

Here's a list of some of the main projects:

03 July, 2006 06:17  
Blogger yvesdominic said...

Thx for the comment and the link! I highly appreciate it, I have been looking for such a collection of information...

That sounds very promising for Mumbai's future, but will they be able to handle the buildings with the necessary infrastructure?

03 July, 2006 13:42  

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